Preliminary Task Preparation:-Location Recce Checklist

Every recce is different, locations vary enormously and so do production needs. Think of the people involved in the shoot

·      Location owners

·      Actors

·      Crew

·      Production team. Imagine what they need to know and what will make the day easier for them. If you do that and take notes it'll be a rigorous recce!#

Look at your location in terms of:

Room size, lighting in room

Access for actors, crew, equipment

Acting skills, equipment need

Get details of the nearest Hospital with A and E


Toilets, shelter, food

Snacks provided

Lighting: Windows, available light, power sources, sunset/sunrise

Lighting with the lamp

Dim dark lighting


What noise is there, traffic, people, airplanes

The music searches

People talking voice

Require a silence sound in the room

Health and safety issues: dangers to crew and the public

Non-dangerous action

Director’s requirements – shots, colour, aesthetics

Different camera shot

Dim dark lighting

Lowkey lighting

Your recommendations and preferences


Reflection: Using location preparation that I learnt that is it very useful that help you drop down different key notes about the location you are using and it is very common in the film industry.


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