final task script

 Actor 1, actor 2, actor 3, actor 4


Scene 1

Actor 1 ,actor 2, actor 3 waiting actor 4 in the waste building.


Actor 1: who we waiting ?

Actor 3: he is my friend, I just met yesterday in the internet. He love exploring too.


Actor 4 coming in quick pace

Actor 4: sorry I am late

Actor 3: is fine ,let go


They gone to a room and sit down

Actor 2: I saw a game called "spin the bottle " if the bottle point at you need to go to the room explore and need stay there for five minutes

Actor 1: sound cool , let play


Actor 2 take a bottle out from his bag and spin it on the floor , and the bottle point at actor 3.

Actor 3: me ……I don’t want to go is too scared

Actor 2: pick one to go with you

Actor 3: actor 1 come with me and bring the candle


They went in the mystery room, they both are scared and with fear.

Actor 3: is so dark here, let me light up the candle.

Actor 1: did you see something just pass by , like a dark shape


Suddenly a hand appear , a clap on the candle and makes the candle blow out. In the darkness.

Actor 1 &2 : both scream


Suddenly actor1 got stabled by someone

Actor 1: Ahhhhh


When the other friend lights up the candle again, his friends is missing. He quickly goes back to the old sports hall and finds everyone else.

Actor 2: I cant find him only his clothes was there, is so weird that we even saw a hand with a dark shape.


So all three of them decided to go into the mystery room again.

The camera jumps to everyone else now searching for two missing friends(actor 1 &3 ) after another scream. The character looking at the mirror is missing now too. So they decide to find one them one by one

Actor 2: you search for actor 1 and I will search for another one, we neeed to be quick.


Eventually we are left with only one protagonist. In the final scene, they glance in a mirror, having worked out that the mysterious figure they keep catching glimpses of is only seen in the reflections. The protagonist appears in the mirror world and is faced with the killer. Who he recognized his friend.

Actor 2: is you ……. Run actor 4


Actor 4 manage to ran away and say to himself

Actor 4: why my hand so many blood, never mind


                                            The end

Reflection: this is my script draft for my final task,  I know I know i still got something to change to make the timeline or the story more better and smoother.


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