Research: Interviews question- Open vs closed


Closed questions provide a short, clarifying response, while open-ended questions result in the user describing an experience.

QuestionExample Response
Closed question: Have you used the website before?Yes.
Open-ended question: Tell me about the last time you used the website.I think it was last week. I was trying to find an article I could send to my colleague on how to do a usability test. I found a really nice one that had lots of visuals.
Closed question: How long did it take you, roughly, to find that article?I can’t remember. Maybe 10 minutes?
Open-ended question: How did you decide which article to send your colleague?There were quite a few of them when I searched “usability test”. I basically just skimmed the titles. I think I opened a few in new tabs and just quickly scanned it to make sure it had the right information…


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