PLANNING: Script/questions


  1. How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect your football career and aspirations while you were in Hong Kong? 
  2. What were the specific challenges or obstacles you faced as a footballer in Hong Kong during the pandemic? 
  3. How did the restrictions and uncertainties of the pandemic impact your training opportunities and ability to progress in your football career? 
  4. Did the absence of matches and competitions in Hong Kong due to COVID-19 affect your motivation or commitment to pursuing your dreams as a footballer? 
  5. How did you stay focused and motivated during the disruptions caused by the pandemic in Hong Kong? 
  6. What adjustments did you have to make in your training routine or approach to keep up with your football development during the pandemic? 
  7. How did the pandemic-related restrictions and changes in Hong Kong impact your experience as a player, both on and off the field? 
  8. Did you have to adapt your playing style or tactics due to the new protocols and measures in place during the pandemic in Hong Kong? 
  9. Now that you have been released and are back to pursuing your dreams, how has your perspective on your football career and aspirations changed as a result of your experiences in Hong Kong during the pandemic?
  10.  What advice or message do you have for other footballers who might be facing similar challenges and setbacks due to COVID-19?


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